Lagos natural hair bootcamp this Sunday - May 12th, 2013

Who remembers last year when I referred to a "very public wash day"? I promised to expand later, and while it might have taken almost a year, I always keep my promises!

That day, we were testing out a new format of workshops. After getting feedback from our customers on our past events and other events they had attended, the general consensus was that they would benefit from smaller, more focused workshops so we decided to test this out with a focus group of around 20 of our oldest and favourite customers.

With the help of some very lovely hair models, I talked attendees through building a regimen from start to finish (that's me washing Ozzy's hair in the picture above), and some quick style ideas. I even demonstrated how I wash my own hair, bending over the salon bowl, hence the deep conditioner in public... an experiment best left unrepeated, I think we all concurred.

It was such a fun afternoon, and everyone agreed it was a success. So we have now decided to hold these events every two months, increasing to every month.  Each workshop will have a maximum of 30 people.

I'm pleased to announce that the first will be this Sunday, May 12th. Details as follows:

Date: Sunday, May 12th

Time: 2 - 6:30pm

Venue: Cheveux Beauty Salon, 2 Raymond Njoku Road, off Awolowo Road, Ikoyi

Theme: Building your regimen and styling tips, with live demos. 
You will also have the opportunity for one-on-one product consultations, and to discuss any hair issues and questions you might have

Price: N1,000 redeemable against product sales. Includes light refreshments

If you would like to attend, please send an email with "Bootcamp" in the subject and including your phone number to

Again, there are only 30 spaces, and they have already begun to fill up through word of mouth, so don't delay in dropping us an email if you would like to attend. It's first come, first served.

Hope to see you ladies then!

(Pictures of the first event up here!)


  1. Replies
    1. Aww, plenty more to come. We should organise an event next time you're in town! Something to think about ;)


    Does it matter if my hair's in big cornrows?

    1. Nope, not at all. Bring the cornrows and come on down! Don't forget to RSVP. Looking forward to seeing you again.

  3. Pls when are we gonna know the date for the next 1?

    1. It will probably be in July, but we'll announce the date soon.

  4. Just because of this kind of event, I wish I was back in Lag! This is great!

    1. Hopefully you'll catch one when you're next in town :)

  5. Was at the event I enjoyed myself immensely. i volunteer to be the next hair model ;)

