How The Rest Of The World Does It - Capetown, SA

I'm fortunate enough to be able to travel a lot for work, and whenever I do I am struck by the number of ladies with natural hair I see proudly rocking their kinks, compared to back in Nigeria.

I thought it would make a good series for the blog if I could photograph some of them to share with you guys (bearing in mind I am not a professional photographer, or even an average amateur photographer).

Can I just say: running up to random people and asking to take pictures of their hair takes a lot of nerve! But hopefully it will soon become second nature.

So we start with Capetown. Enjoy!



Thandokazi & Asiphe

Asiphe close-up


Side view of Nicky's Fro-Hawk

Nero- Yes, those are braided extensions, but on a normal day, she is natural

PS: Thank you ladies for letting me take your picture!


  1. Lovely pictures. It's really refreshing to see naturals out and proud.

  2. Very Nice. SA is leap years ahead of us in terms of wearing natural hair. Someone once said that it was the best place for anyone to go natural as there would be lots of help, knowledge and inspiration.

    I don't know about your claim not to be "even an average amateur photographer". :) Photos were clear and good to look at.
