Happy New Year, people!

Hope you've all had a fabulous holiday season and are ready to take on 2012.

This year, I'm keeping it simple with the resolutions. I normally have a long list that I've totally forgotten about by the 15th.

As far as my hair goes, its more of the same, really. As soon as the braids come out (yes, I'm looking forward to that already) I'm going for a healthy trim and then maintaining a healthy moisture-protein balance, sealing my ends, and protective styling. Also, and I always say this but fail miserably, I will try and be more adventurous with styling.

I get ideas from trawling through various tumblrs like this one.

So here's some Kinkspiration to kick-start the year:

We start deliveries again on the 9th, so look forward to getting your orders then.

Catch you all soon!


  1. Happy New Year!! Beautiful Pictures!
    I understand what you are going through...I want a braid and when I get it I start missing my hair. Love the new layout!!

  2. Thanks Natmane. I've had a lot of fun playing around with the design today, but I think we'll stick with this...for now.
